Bow Valley Multilingual Welcome Poster
Why is a Multilingual Welcome Poster important?
Bow Valley locals come from over 60 countries and speak many different languages.
Showing information in these languages can help people feel seen, valued, and welcomed.
This can lead to an increased sense of belonging and can help us create more inclusive communities.
How did we create the poster?
We asked Bow Valley residents from around the world to share their experiences of being welcomed to the region.
We asked:
What made you feel welcome when you first arrived in the Bow Valley?
What are some everyday things we can all do to make new locals feel welcome?
We compiled the most frequently mentioned ideas, and created a poster with the word ‘Welcome’ in some of the common languages of the Bow Valley.
We’re excited to share some practical tips with you about how we can all be more welcoming!
Featured Languages
The poster features the greeting 'Welcome' in some of the Bow Valley's most common languages.
English: Welcome
Amharic: እንኳን ደህና መጣቹ
Arabic: أ هْلاً وَْسَ هْلاًْ
Blackfoot: Oki
Cebuano: Walay Sapayan
Chinese: 欢迎
Czech: Vítejte
French: Bienvenue
German: Willkommen
Hindi: स्वागतम
Japanese: ようこそ
Korean: 어서오세요
Nepali: स्वागत छ
Oromo: Baga nagaan dhuftan
Punjabi: ਜੀ ਆਇਆਂ ਨੂੰ
Spanish: Bienvenidos
Stoney: Okâch
Tagalog: Mabuhay
Tamil: வரவேற்பு
Tigrinya: እንቋዕ ብድሓን መጻእኩም
Vietnamese: Chào mừng
Top Tips To Be More Welcoming
The ideas we feature on the poster came with great stories and explanations, but we couldn't fit them all on one poster. Here's more information about what we heard:
1. Offer A Welcoming Smile
Probably the most frequently mentioned idea! One local put it this way: “Smile. A smile goes a long way. A welcoming smile can put anyone at ease.”
2. Greet Someone Alone In A Crowd
Whether it's being the new kid at school or attending an event where everyone seems to know one another, being new can be lonely. Events and meetings are a perfect opportunity to help a newcomer feel included, and all you have to do is say hello!
3. Learn Words In Other Languages
One local told us that the moment a Canadian-born stranger thanked him in his first language was when he began to feel welcome in the Valley.
4. Share Knowledge & Resources
Offer a tour of town, lend a guidebook or gear, or “share tips and experiences of when you moved here to help make someone else’s move easier.”
5. Introduce New Friends To Old Friends
“Introduce new people to others in the community by sharing a little information about them like family background, work, hobbies etc.”·
6. Treat Everyone Like A Local
People from all over the world call the Bow Valley their home. Since you can't tell who's a local at a glance, make everyone feel welcome by treating them like they're here to stay. Learn more about our campaign to celebrate the many ways there are to be a local here.
7. Mentor New Colleagues
“Have a mentor or buddy system. Whenever a new person comes in plan to assign someone to show them around and offer support.”
8. Make Small Talk
"[Make] small talk whenever possible. It is a win-win scenario for both newcomers and you! The newcomers demonstrate initiative to reach out while you enhance your rapport building skills!"
9. Listen Actively
"Listen actively, paying full attention.”
10. Host Gatherings
Locals agree: meals and small events are the perfect way to help newcomers connect to the community.
Bonus Tips!
Follow Through When Inviting New Friends Out - Vague plans to get together 'sometime' can be confusing for some, especially when cultural differences are involved. On the other hand, making a specific invitation and following up on it is a fantastic way to welcome someone to the community.
Wait For An Answer To ‘How Are You?” - “Next time you ask ‘how are you?’ stop and wait for the answer. People often want to connect on a deeper level. Give them some time to answer. It's amazing what you'll learn!”
Speak Warmly And Sincerely - “Use an enthusiastic and sincere tone of voice”
Examine Your Biases - Unconscious biases are hidden assumptions and beliefs about others that we all have. Biases can help us make quick decisions, but they can also get in the way of making good decisions.
Taking a close look at the unconscious beliefs you hold about others is an important step towards being able to connect with people who are different than you. For a look at how biases affect our behaviour, take a look at this TED Talk.