Get Involved!
Help us create a more welcoming & inclusive Bow Valley.
“In regions where immigrant integration is fostered, immigrants perform better and the entire region also thrives.”
Center for the Study of Immigration and Integration, University of Southern California
More than 1 in 5 permanent Bow Valley residents were born outside of Canada. They contribute to the social, economic, and civic health of our community.
However, newcomers also face barriers that make it challenging to stay here, thrive, and participate in community life.
People from all walks of life, all sectors, and all backgrounds have a role to play in addressing these barriers — and we all stand to benefit.
By working together, we can make our community stronger.
How you can get involved
Does your organization have a role to play in creating a more inclusive Bow Valley? As an Organizational Representative, you will bring the perspective of your organization into the Partnership, and build your team’s capacity to be more welcoming & inclusive.
Community Members
As a volunteer Community Member, you will play an important role in the implementation of the Bow Valley Integration Strategy. You will bring the perspective of the wider Bow Valley community into the Partnership. We may also ask you to share BVIP news and insights with the community through your own networks.
Organizational Representatives and Community Members can join the Partnership by being a member of a Committee, Work Group, or Task Force. Volunteer Community Members can also apply to join the Immigrant Advisory Group.
Not sure where to start? Contact us.
Join a Committee, Work Group, or Task Force.
Our Governance Model was created to support implementation of the 2019-2023 Bow Valley Integration Strategy. We have a central Partnership Council, Committees, Work Groups, and Task Forces.
Partnership Council & Executive Committee
Drawing on the experience and expertise of its member organizations, the BVIP Partnership Council provides the partnership’s overall strategic guidance. Members represent groups with an important role to play in building a welcoming and inclusive community. The Partnership Council meets four times a year. A small sub-committee of the Partnership Council meets more frequently to lead operational decisions.
Immigrant Advisory Group (IAG)
The Immigrant Advisory Group (IAG) works alongside and advises the Partnership Council to ensure that BVIP decisions are grounded in the lived experience of immigrants. The IAG meets four times a year. Learn more about the IAG.
Committees meet four times a year to share information such as emerging needs, organizational updates, resources, and promising practices related to 2019-2023 Bow Valley Integration Strategy priorities. Committees also oversee work groups and can form new groups as new projects are identified. Current committees include:
Civic and Social Engagement Committee: Leads planning related to civic participation (volunteerism, voting, leadership etc.), social inclusion, social contentedness, and anti-discrimination.
Employment Committee: Leads work to improve inclusion in the workplace and promote labour market integration.
Education Committee: Leads planning to meet 2019-2023 Integration Strategy child, youth, and adult education goals.
Health Committee: Leads planning around health related Integration Strategy goals, tracks health and health care needs, and coordinates relevant health care services.
Settlement Committee: Coordinates federally and provincially funded settlement services. Monitors trends related to immigration, settlement, and integration.
Work Groups & Task Forces
Work groups are made up of a few people working together on the details of a specific project. Task forces address needs or opportunities for which clear strategies or action plans have not yet been created.
Unlike committee meetings, work groups and task forces include no organizational round table sharing. Instead, members meet as often as needed— sometimes by phone or electronic communication—to finalize the details of a project or a plan. Work groups and task forces stop meeting as soon as the project or plan is complete.
What’s involved in being a BVIP Member?
Duties & Time Commitment
The responsibilities of members of each BVIP group are explained in the BVIP Terms of Reference. Overall responsibilities include:
Reading and abiding by the BVIP Terms of Reference
Reading the 2019-2023 Bow Valley Integration Strategy and helping to implement actions as required
Attending a minimum of 3 meetings per year
Sharing information between community organizations/groups and BVIP
Reviewing and participating in periodic correspondence between meetings
Championing welcoming and inclusive communities: promoting the work and values of BVIP through community networks
Typical time commitment: approximately 2 hours/month (more for Committee chairs and members of multiple groups).
Live and/or work in Lake Louise, Banff, Canmore, Exshaw, Harvie Heights, Lac Des Arcs, Dead Man's Flats, Kananaskis, or the Stoney Nakoda Nation.
Feel comfortable communicating in English in a supportive and friendly environment.
Have authorization or authority to represent your organization at the BVIP table (Organization Representatives only)
Be willing to attend a minimum of 3 meetings per year and commit to participate for a minimum of 1 year.
Understand the BVIP mandate.
Have read and understand the 2019-2023 Integration Strategy and BVIP Terms of Reference.
Have knowledge, expertise and/or commitment to promoting inclusion and integration.
Work well with others. Experience with consensus decision making is an asset.
Here are 7 reasons to get involved with the Bow Valley Immigration Partnership (BVIP):
Capacity - Organizational Members benefit from ongoing sharing of information about trends, best practices, resources, funding, and training opportunities.
Impact - BVIP is an action-focused group that has helped make a real difference in our community. With your help, we can build an even stronger, more inclusive Bow Valley.
Professional Development - Play an important role in the creation of the next Bow Valley integration strategy; develop professional skills including: group decision making, policy making, diplomacy, leadership, strategy, and communication skills. Some training opportunities may be provided.
Experience - Demonstrate your communication, teamwork, and leadership skills while building community.
Knowledge - Learn about the challenges newcomers face and what communities can do to help them succeed. Learn more about your community, including programs and resources that are available locally.
Connections - Get to know people from across the Bow Valley, including people from all over the world and representatives of a variety of agencies, employers, and governments.
Recognition - Be a part of a reputable and dynamic partnership that works together to build a stronger and more welcoming community.
Terms of Reference
The BVIP Terms of Reference includes details on how our groups operate and explain the roles and responsibilities of members. Please review the Terms of Reference before completing an Application Form, and contact us if you have any questions.
About the Partnership
We are a coalition of people and organizations dedicated to building a welcoming and inclusive community. Together, we work to ensure that all Bow Valley residents can participate, live well, and know they belong.
BVIP is one of approximately 80 Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPS) across Canada that are funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). We build on the services provided by settlement agencies by helping organizations from every sector of the community work more effectively together.
Our main roles include research, strategic planning. and coordination of services. We also help promote welcoming attitudes throughout the community. We are currently working together to implement the Bow Valley 2019-2023 Integration Strategy.
Not sure where to start? Contact us.
There are many ways to get involved with the Bow Valley Immigration Partnership (BVIP).
If you would like more information before applying to join, please contact us and we will share more information.